Day 39 of Beauty
The beauty of following. That isn't a title that I expected my fingers to formulate. As we were preparing for the trip it was decided that my husband would need to buy a trailer and tow his motorcycle. This also meant that I needed to follow him. I hate, I mean HATE, following people driving. Even if it's for a short distance, I would much rather use GPS or back in the day have them give me directions. Shoot, I would even prefer a map. Well, for me God speaks most often through situations. I learn through patterns, through connections, correlations, relationships and this is what he most commonly uses to talk to me. As I previously mentioned, I wasn't too thrilled about the fact that I would be following him for 3654 miles. My husband, umm isn't the most patient in traffic. His response is that he isn't the worst case of road rage... Anyways, I mentioned to him that I was stressed out at the fact that I would be following him and...