
Showing posts from March, 2021

What's Weighing You Down?

  As I sit in reflection I am prompted to write a short list. Just three things that are weighing on me. Too often I don't have an answer when someone asks what they can pray for me. Sure, it's a great thing that I'm rejoicing in the Lord, but in truth, when we're unaware of what's weighing us down how will we address it? Or, how will it hinder our ability to show up for others when we're put in a difficult situation? I believe we first need to confess these things that are weighing us down and then ask ourselves maybe a few follow up questions. What are you believing is too big for the Lord? Or believing is too little for the Lord to care about? We need to confess our errored way of thinking and replace it with God's divine truth. Jeremiah 32:17 ESV ‘Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you. 2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV  But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient ...

What Aroma is Being Left in Your Wake?

  Have you ever walked past someone, even outside and can smell their perfume or cologne for quite a few feet after they have passed you?  I notice this quite often actually, due to my heightened sense of smell. While on my walk at the beach this morning I noticed a woman's scent as she passed me from about 10 feet away and God impressed on me the title of this post.  So often I'm guilty of limiting the ability of the Holy Spirits' impact on other's through me. However, regardless of my wavering understanding; the Holy Spirit still shines through and touches people I'm around. This is not stated in pride, as it is not my doing, it is simply the Holy Spirit within. When we humble ourselves and ask Jesus to take over our lives and be our Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit fills that void within us that was meant specifically for him. The more we pursue Him, heal through Him, and live for Him to brighter and bolder He can shine through us. This is the only way to true hap...