Guest Post: Julie Spack

Beauty ~ what is true beauty? As young people I believe we become familiar with beauty by finding things and or people that are pleasant to look at. A beautiful woman, a beautiful painting, a beautiful lake are often the first beauty we can recognize. We sit back and think how amazing the look is. As we grow beauty tends to expand into areas not associated with the eye. It’s the heart that is the most beautiful. The heart of a person who wears a smile despite their circumstances is beautiful. The courage to fight for what you believe in when the world around you gives you permission to quit is beautiful. The sacrifice that some make for the greater good of others is beautiful. The strongest kind of beauty is that of loving yourself. We are living in a culture that tries to convince you that you are not perfect and need something to be beautiful. That is a lie. The truest of all beauty is to look in the mirror and realize and accept and appreciate the person looking back at you. For you were wonderfully and fearfully made by the hands of your Creator while in your mother’s womb. To say that you love yourself is most beautiful thing in this world. Realizing that you are a gift and no one can be you except you is the starting point of true beauty. Breathe deep and listen to that heart beating inside of you. It beats for a purpose. Find your purpose, find your beauty.

-Julie Spack 


walkingitout said…
The amount of heart, kindness and wisdom come out of this woman effortlessly and in abundance awes me! Her beauty shines through most prominently in her blessings of encouragement and openness!