Fearless in Fearful Times

Let me first say, I fully get it. I understand being afraid. I understand thinking we need to be involved in government and make our opinion matter. Fight for what is right. Stand up for ourselves. Don't let the bullies win. Find them and get them so they can't keep getting us, fight for our right for freedom and our way of life. But then there is another part of me, a part that is overtaking my heart more and more each day that knows that's not the answer. That knows there is something deep down wrong with that logic. Better yet, questions where that mentality and logic come from. I have to say that studying Revelation has really pushed me even more towards not being afraid. Knowing that the first mentality is not from God at all. There are an abundance of scripture that tells us not to fear. Why? What does fear do? It brings out the ugliest of humanity. It has you working for the enemy, he...