Pretty Payment

A few days ago I read post on Face Book that I absolutely loved and couldn't agree with more:  "Pretty isn't the rent you pay to exist in the world as a woman".

So many of us battle with the pressure associated with our looks.  whether it's to be thinner, more toned, more muscular, darker, lighter, prettier, more fashionable, etc etc... But why?  Why is it more than ever that our looks are so important?  Once upon a time, not as far back as we think, the standards were far different and preoccupation with our own, and other's appearances were not so common.  Many of us can spout out a bunch of common sense answers like: photo-shop, increase in visual feedback, increase in chemical rewards for looking good supported by likes and follows, and the battle with obesity making us have shame (and all of the effects of shame) for not being an ideal weight.

My point is there are so many factors working against us in this world. Everything in marketing is designed to make us not feel _____ enough.  We are bombarded with overt, covert and subliminal messages all the time.  So, what can we do?  How can I stop this ferocious cycle of chasing my self esteem found in the mirror?

More and more I see the bible showing us that our freedom is found in standing in God's truth.  All of this mess is in contradiction to what his word says.  So if all good, holy and true things comes from God, where does all of this come from?  More importantly, what do I do now?  We can learn to discern God's truth from untruth the more we read the bible, the more we seek him, the more he reveals to us.  It can be hard at times but I encourage you to stick with studying the bible and meditating on his words and seeking him out.  He continues to bless anyone who does this.  Such freedom is found in being able to see through the lies.  We really do need to stop looking at ourselves and fix our eyes on him.  In his eyes we are made in his image and he has nothing but love for us.

Now, that doesn't mean it's easy.  You can trust it won't always be. In fact he tells us we will go through trials, suffering and rejection.  However, this is a spiritual battle and one that was already won. You're on the winning team, you just need to keep pursuing him so he can build you up in faith, strength and endurance.    

~Just my 2 cents!
