Perfect Love
No matter what you've done. No matter what you are doing. No matter what you will do God loves you. He sacrificed his son knowing the worst of possible things people would do. Meditate on that, think of the worst possible offense or a person or people that did a bunch of horrendous things. He wanted a relationship with them. Not only that he loved them enough to put all of their offenses on Christ, who was pure and innocent, and he paid for all of that on the cross. He grieves when his children don't choose him and choose to be separate from him. God's perfect love is perfect freedom. He always gives you the choice to choose. Good or bad, but either way you're stuck with the consequences of those choices. I know it's so hard to fathom but even if you deny God, he's waiting to welcome you. He wants you to be his. He wants nothing but good for you. All good and wonderful things come from God. The enemy work...