Don't Grow Weary
Truth be told I've been in almost a perpetual state of exhaustion these past 6 months or so. It is quite literally a battle for me each day to keep my eyes on Jesus. Day by day I can see how he's working on me though. I can see how he's working on my children. I can see how he's working in my marriage. This time that I'm spending away from friends and family has been perfectly orchestrated by our sovereign God. Sometimes we need to be pulled away from it all to regain our focus. Sometimes our comforts need to be taken to strengthen our foundation, our character.
With each day that I remember to seek him, the more he strengthens me. Once again he blows me away with his intricate plans and provision for me. I am completely undeserving, yet he blesses me anyways. I continually fall short by giving in to sin in various ways: self-contentedness, greed, resentment and hatred, desiring to give into pleasure seeking activities and I'm sure there's more. That list may look horrible but honestly even the smallest thing can fall under those categories. Indulging in foods can be giving into flesh, choosing to be offended can be selfish/self-centered, not wanting to give up comforts in order to bless someone else in need is greed. So on and so on. I don't express this to illicit shame or condemnation. It's just to illustrate our desperate need for our savior. How grateful we need to be because we are truly undeserving of his grace and mercy.
With all of this time off (forced vacation due to waiting for my professional license here) I've been allotted the time to do a lot of reflecting and studying of the word.
Through this time I feel like God has blessed me with strengthening my discernment, my endurance (unfortunately not physical), my peace, and my wisdom. I've got a long way to go in this sanctification process but I'm encouraged to not grow weary of doing good and turning continually to our God who is perfect love .
*Peace and love*