One Year Bible
This New Year's I didn't make any resolutions but I did decide on a goal. I decided to purchase the One Year Bible, NLT. It has you read approximately 15 minutes of scripture per day comprised of old testament, new testament, psalms and proverbs. Overall I like how they break it down and it's made it a lot easier of a goal for me to read the entire bible, which I've never done before because I get discouraged.
I've got to tell you, even though I have found this much easier to read and less intimidating, I'm really struggling with the old testament. Over and over with the God instructed killings of seemingly innocent people. Killing of women and children due to a husband's/father's actions. The offering up of wives and virgin children to abuse as they see fit to preserve the honor of the man has me really struggling to understand. However, we are to look to God for our understanding. There are a lot of interpretations out there, commentaries and opinions. I feel like these moments of deep misunderstanding and frustration are yet another invitation to seek out God for direction, answers and understanding. I can't tell you that I've gotten clear answers but I can tell you he's given me peace and direction and all I can do is encourage you to go to him also with your questions, frustration and grief.
Be Blessed and remember to pray--it's national prayer day!