
I don't know about you but I struggle keeping a consistent exercise routine up without having a goal to be focused on. I walk to keep my cortisol levels down and move my body as it was designed for. For other exercises I typically need to have a goal of working on improving myself in a sport. The first time I went snowboarding I could only hang in there half a day before my back was done and that motivated me to do workouts specifically geared at improving snowboarding. Four weeks later when I hit the slopes again, I performed so much better and it didn't wear me out at all. This morning I was pondering this and how it's similar with the spiritual. Our daily exercises of praying, being in the word and worshiping become more focused, intentional and amplified when we have direction, a purpose and a place to outpour what we have been given. Just like sports and physical exercise, our bodies are meant to move. We are designed to share our gifts, share what God's doing i...