
As I sit this morning reflecting on the past week I'm thinking about how important it is to be grounded in God's word. Our enemy is so cunning and the stronger we get and further we get on our Christian walk the more covert the attacks can become. Or possibly we missed a lot of the smaller nuances and are just more attuned to what he's throwing our way. 

My mind keeps going to this notion that the most well intentioned Christian brother and sister (and us towards others too) could be unintentionally planting seeds within us that harvest weeds and not fruit bearing trees. Well, because none of us are perfect and areas of our heart still need mending and healing. These areas of hurt within us can muddle up our advice. Without being aware we can plant seeds of fear, division, carnality, and pride. Once again, this doesn't mean we should avoid community. We need to grow, live, grieve and celebrate together. Our power is in sharing of our continual testimony with one another. Sometimes it also might not be the person giving the advice but how we hear and receive it. Communication between people seems to be one of the most common areas of attack. We need to pause and prayerfully ask the Lord to give us His understanding, His words and His will in each situation. We need to go to the Lord regularly with our hurts, our needs, our struggles, our plans, all things to seek His will and His perspective. Examine our hearts oh Lord, reveal the seeds that I accepted in that are not of you and cast them out in Jesus precious name. 

