Simply Complicated
For the last few months I've been really walking out the simplicity in God's call for our life. I really try to boil down all of the complexities and find the direct path. I don't always succeed, I'm all too often distracted and easily excited by another shiny object but in the end I'm able to go back to the simple callings of the Lord.
I have a lot on my mind and heart but I'll try my best to simmer this down into a clear message. The more time I spend with the Lord over these years, the more discernment He gives me. In with this discernment and looking for the simplicity in His calling, I'm noticing our need to be delivering people, including believers, from demonic torment. Jesus taught, delivered and healed everywhere He went. Why is deliverance and healing such a controversial topic even within the church in the US? The gifts of the Spirit are often hot topics too which keep many believers from the fullness of the Lord that they are granted but that's another topic for another day!
As a mental health professional I am seeing clearer and clearer this torment. I'm probably going to step on some toes but I need to say it how I see it. I fear that we are erring too far on the side of political correctness when it comes to mental health. We for sure don't need to shame people and say they aren't praying enough or their mental health issues are from their own sin. However, I feel strongly that meds aren't the answer. Mental health issues have been around since sin entered the earth as we read in the Old Testament. Mental health issues are caused by our enemy, Eph 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. How could the biblical answer to mental health be meds when these meds have only been around since the 1950's? Did God not want help and healing for people before then? Shouldn't we be careful about finding answers for things on our own without God?
I also hear a lot of people say we shouldn't give too much credit to demons and satan. Well, if we normalize things like anxiety, depression, social anxiety, genetic predisposition etc as if it's just something we have to deal with, then we don't fight it. Awesome tactic of the enemy isn't it? Also, if people think it's just my flesh, me wanting to act on sin...well it's our flesh trying to align with the enemy instead of God and isn't that still from demonic influence? God didn't create us to be in bondage over our health, emotions and tormenting thoughts. He wants us healed so we can heal, teach and free other's in Jesus' name! We are designed in His image with His characteristics. He didn't create you to not be around other people, to be tormented around new people or groups, to be filled with depression, thoughts of self harm, thoughts of suicide and thoughts of perverted lust. Those are not your thoughts! Stop assuming they are, respond with the word of God and "confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective" (James 5:16).
I see all of this pain and hurting around us. So much hatred which is protecting each person from their own debilitating pain. I feel such a strong urgency to help people be set free. I hope whoever choses to read this hears my heart and more importantly hears the Lord's heart and love that surpasses all human understanding <3
Eph 3:19
May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.