What they don't tell you
While growing up, I always had plenty to say. Few and far between were the times when I didn't know what to say, or when I over thought what I said. I had no problem speaking my mind, as ridiculous or wrong I may have been. In fact, my mouth is usually where my problems started and ended for me. As a grade school-er I recall getting in big trouble (aka Opa had to pick me up from school) because I cussed out the gym teacher for never picking me as a coach and only picking boys. I always got notes sent home about excessive talking and got busted plenty of times staying up all night on the phone. Something happened to me. It wasn't instant, in fact it crept up on me. After I was saved in my early twenties I still spoke freely, without too much worry. However, as I dug in an learned more and more about God, scripture, and grew in my faith, I somehow also grew in being self-conscious about every little thing that came out of my mouth. ...