
I saw a meme the other day that a friend of mine posted and I found it partially true but mostly it inspired a lot of thought in me.  The meme stated that (paraphrasing) "this world would be a better place if Christians would stop worshiping Jesus and be Jesus".

I agree that we as flawed, sin natured humans mess up.  Christianity has a long history of getting it wrong and in huge ways.  Unfortunately the enemy uses this record against us, God does not.  Jesus speaks a lot against religious people and personally I believe that many of the historical scars are left by those with the same Pharisee type behavior and mentality.

I do think this world would be a better place if we act like true ambassadors of Jesus.  If we strive each and every day to be the Jesus in this world.  Through his spirit and doing, not our own.  Leaning on him for direction and timing.  I remember reading a book written my Mother Theresa in my mid 20's and one thing really stuck out to me; she treated everyone as if they were Jesus.  How would we treat each other differently if it was a possibility that they were actually Jesus?  In a way we are, we have the holy spirit in us (those of us who accept it).  Those who have not accepted him yet just need to be loved on just like he would have.

Alternatively, I don't agree that we should stop worshiping him. Through worshiping God we grow in closer alignment with him.  We are more sensitive to his speaking to us.  We are renewed and energized.  Through our worship we are able to be the Jesus the world needs.  When we stop worshiping Jesus and just be Jesus, we are saying that we too are a God.  We are saying we are equals and don't need him.  There isn't a way to put ourselves up that high AND be like Jesus.

Just my two cents :)      
