Purposely Positive
More and more as I grow older, watching the local news is much more scary than a horror flick. Crime and violence know no bounds. There are horrific stories each minute that fill the broadcast. My facebook feed isn’t much different depending on the day. Some days it will be filled with positive posts: birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations, scripture, and love. Unfortunately, my facebook feed over the years have become more and more negative. Heated posts that spur on racial divide, political divide, religious divide, reports of crime, suspected satanists in music and film...the list goes on.
There are times when these topics do gear me up and make me want to fight for what’s right, fight for social justice. There are other times when I just want to crawl back into bed and curl up under my blankets and hide away from this scary world.
This morning as I am spending time with God and listening to sermons I am remembering Mark 16:15, telling us to spread the GOOD news of the gospel. So we are to love God above all else (Matt 22:37), love everyone else as ourselves (Matt 22:39) and spread the GOOD news.
We don’t need to dwell on the negative, it has enough advertising. We don’t need to warn others about how others are influenced by satan by giving him free advertising. (there are exceptions to this but I’m talking broadly) Jesus has already won the war, John 16:33 Amplified Bible (AMP)
33 I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous[be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.”[My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]
The more we walk in alignment with God the better we are at discerning good and evil. We don’t need to run around in fear in our own power trying to figure out who is influenced by the devil. God gives us discernment for that. We, ourselves need to guard our heart through what we decide to ingest (what we watch, listen to and are surrounded by). If we are concerned about the influence of our friends and family then we need to continue to feed them with the love of Jesus. Teach them all the good news of his grace. Share with them all that he is doing in your life, and has done.
I think about children. They mimic our actions much more than they heed our words. They are influenced more by our love and attention than they are from our control and harsh punishment. Lecturing, warning, and instilling fear simply doesn’t work. Us adults aren’t much different.
I’m actively choosing to be purposefully positive. How about you?