Measuring up
So many times that I'm feeling down and out about the way I look it's due to me comparing myself. Most of the time it's unintentional but if I really start tracing my thoughts back I can see that even if I'm not directly comparing, I'm still comparing against what the world around me says is beautiful.
I really think that God doesn't want us judging others or coveting to protect us and not to necessarily protect others. Looking at the ten commandments I find it interesting how these laws are really designed to protect us from our own downfall. Coveting (to want something very bad what you do not have) in my opinion seems to effect the person with those thoughts and desires more than it effects those the thoughts are directed at. It's so easy to focus on ourselves and what we are lacking. The world around us wants us to focus on that. That's exactly what the field of marketing is designed to do; show us what we NEED in our lives.
Focusing on what we think we need, what we really want, what will make us---fill in the blank is a distraction. We miss out on all the ways we are blessed. We miss the little things in life that matter so much more when it all comes to an end.
Recently I heard Joyce Meyers say something that really got my attention. "Drive by a junkyard, you will see all the 'treasures' that people worked so hard for. The stuff that people worked long hours for and sacrificed relationships for. It was deteriorating before they even brought it home."
Everything around us is always deteriorating or becoming outdated. When you are on your deathbed what will matter more--friends and loved ones or the pile of crap you will leave behind?
Additionally, I've been thinking about judging others. If we really admit it, we are perpetually judging others. It might not be about the way they look or talk but there is usually something we are judging. I think this toxic thinking hurts us so very badly without us even realizing it. When we are constantly measuring others that means we need to be on our game and make sure we are looking good, not ever messing up. Not even necessarily in the area that we were being judgmental in. The do good, get good mentality crosses topics/areas.
We don't have to earn it, it was freely given. We need to stop this work mentality and practice grace and love. Then we will have the overflow to fill ourselves up as well as others.