Walking in Victory
Some of us for far too long walk around with guilt, shame, low self-esteem, and a bunch of negative past garbage. Who does this help? Do you perform better due to treating yourself in such a manner? Do you think you are pleasing God by punishing yourself with negative self-image and perception about yourself? Do you think your misery somehow is a payment to God for your sins?
Jesus offered himself up to pay for your sins. He already knew all of the bad things we all would do in our lifetimes. He died for the very worst of us. Meditate on that. Charles Manson; yup, died for him. Adolf Hitler--yes him too.
If you keep on thinking you can repay your sins by mistreating yourself then you are not fully believing that Jesus died and is covering for your sins. The more you mistreat yourself, the more you will withdraw from God and is the essence of sin---rejecting God by thinking we can be our own God's.
God loves you so very much, just the way you are. He knows very well what your thoughts, feelings, and intentions are. The more you stew on his love and desire to call you his the more you will transform and be repelled away from your innate sinful nature.