For years I was praying, believing, crying, grieving, almost giving up, holding on for dear life, praising and waiting. I'm finally on the other side of that now, walking in victory and enjoying a shifted perspective. Don't get me wrong, I still have issues and problems but I just see it differently and am more focused on the goodness of God. I'm now contemplating what I learned, what God showed me, and how to pass that on as encouragement to other's still in the thick of their battle(s). What stands out to me is an anchor, presented as a promise from the Lord. The bible is filled with promises over our lives for those who believe and follow Him. Find your specific promise. Meditate on it regularly and continuing to seek the Lord as to what in your heart needs to fall into alignment with Him. He wants so much more for you than to deliver you from that pain. He wants to grow your understanding of who you are in Him, His love for you, His plans for you, and the power o...