Beauty Day 22

So as our move comes closer and closer (June 15th is the day we are moving to Las Vegas due to military orders), I'm having more of a difficult time writing daily. I'll continue to try my best though! If you want to be notified of new posts via email there is a widget on this page that allows you to sign up.

These past few days I have been processing a lot of stuff.  I think I will just concentrate this on the beauty of how God corrects and doesn't condemn.

These past few years I've been learning a lot about the love of God and it's been transforming my perspective and changing my life.  Recently God has been showing me how much of a bully I myself!  I have know for years that I struggle with maladaptive thoughts (unhealthy thinking patterns)  and I am pretty proactive in trying to correct and reframe them.  Yet, I didn't realize how much of this self-bullying was still seeping in.  I'm not just talking about my physical appearance either, I'm talking about being super hard on myself in everyday situations when I don't miss the mark.  If God doesn't condemn me for my flaws, mistakes and not missing the mark then who am I to do that to myself?

There is such beauty in the way that love is displayed in gentle correction.  When we see that someone we love is struggling with something and we are able to speak to them with pure love in our intentions.  This looks and feels in complete contrast to correcting through fear.  In fear we feel the desperate need for them to "get it", to control (or so we think) the outcome.  We are afraid that if they don't really get the importance and fix it then _____ (fill in the cataclysmic blank).

However, it is such a beautiful thing when God corrects us by gently showing us how to live better, how to love better and how to just be.  How beautiful we feel when we are able to operating in this too.  God's been showing me how to operate in this for others but now it's my turn to be gentle in correcting myself.
