Day 18 Beauty of Community

Beauty of Community

Most of us know that alone we can't seem to do anything perfectly. We will all fail in some way. There just doesn't seem to be a way to juggle it all and maintain seamlessly perfect balance.  I've been reflecting on the fact that God gave us community and the body (fellow Christians) to help fill in the gaps, bandage and heal our wounds and form new patterns in our lives left by well intentioned, most of the time, but imperfect parents.  I look around on Mother's Day and see a lot of pain in so many people's eyes. Pain left by abuse, neglect, abandonment, and death.  However, what a beautiful thing God has designed in our community, our friendship and companionship.

God is constantly sending us so many messangers of love, it's like it is Valentines day each and every day.  You just need to look around and start to notice it and recieve it.  Sometimes it feels like the wounds are too deep and you might not be sure if you can trust.  I pray that you have the courage to try and test that out one more time while asking God to reveal his love.
