
So, since this is the first post I'm writing for this new blog I figured I would explain the title. My description goes into it a little but I thought I might take the time to expand on this.

I see my self as someone who is finally walking in my faith.  For many of years I rolled around, unsure about life, about God and about myself. I was extremely suicidal and had no passion for life. The only passion I had revolved around ways to avoid life or overly risking it. Then something changed it all; not just something, someone. God showed up supernaturally when I was about to end it all. I couldn't deny him anymore. For many years after that I would crawl around proclaiming that I was a Christian but did very little growing and progression in my faith.

Slowly I would try to walk but would quickly stumble and continue to just crawl. Not thinking I was good enough, strong enough, whatever enough to walk. God is good though and placed many people in my life that kept encouraging me and believing in me more than I believed in myself. Soon enough I realized I was walking.

Please note that I do still stumble, fall, and sometimes choose to crawl for moments. But that's exactly what they are; moments. I surely haven't reached my full potential but that's not even on my radar. I know that God is giving it to me as I go.

Funny thing about that last statement. I am very success driven, that is my top motivation in life. Yet, I fear success the most at the same time. I honestly don't fear failure. I know that I'm not able and only though Christ I have strength. But having the faith that I'm okay enough to entrust with success, to entrust with other people and their best interest. To be in leadership, to be in the spotlight. That's what really freaks me out. Not to say this is my only fear, but it is a very real and present force that hides behind many layers.


Anonymous said…
I love the new blog! It looks clean and uncluttered and the description is a great, brief, beautiful explanation. Blog A+ :)

Your story makes me think of the book "Sit, Walk, Stand." It's an awesome, short little book about sitting in God's presence, walking with him through life, and standing against darkness, written by a Chinese missionary named Watchman Nee. I highly recommend it.
walkingitout said…
Awesome, I'll have to check out that book! Thank you for your kind words, they really do mean a lot to me! I'm working on an additional one called Creative Counseling
Everyday Me said…
Oh my gosh isn't Liz just wonderful ?? I agree with her opinion of the blog. I love the the topic. I love that your words are proclaiming the promise !! Success looks good on you. You are applauded beyond measure on this side of it all.. You and I have alot in common to some degree. I know that fear of many things has been a real thing in my life. I used to do it to myself all the time at Busch Gardens. Lol. I would crave and want to wait in line for one of the roller coasters and then the 40 seconds i am going straight up I am in the worst stage of fear induced panic on all levels.. Itr is so sick what I do to myself. Lol.. Totally different than you are saying yes but makes me think of that. I think you are doing a better job than you think you are. and I enjoy it everytime you let us into your life a bit at a time. Have a great one.
walkingitout said…
Liz really is awesome--I could actually write a post about the two of you :) Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. I totally agree and am honored that you say we have a lot in common. :) :)
Unknown said…
"I would try to walk but would quickly stumble and continue to just crawl. Not thinking I was good enough, strong enough, whatever enough to walk"

that resonated so much with me because that is how I feel most of the time. Thank you so much for your honesty, it encourages me to be as honest as well.
I really believe that when we show our "mess", it creates the space for others to open up as well. I'm glad you're a part of my life hillary (even if it may be electronic and over writer's lounge for the most part, it still helps and makes a difference :)

it's not about the medium, it's about the connection

and what you've written has helped encourage me to do what I don't want to do: to get ugly vulnerable. I'm leading FLC's men's group now and I'm terrified. We haven't officially met yet met i've had a million thoughts running through my mind. How I'd like it to look and how I'm in no position to be in that position whatsoever. Time will tell I guess but vulnerability and openness is something in addition to your blog it seems I've been hammered with recently
walkingitout said…
Wow, David you are so much of a blessing! Thank you for showing me how me being vulnerable helps. Sometimes I feel dumb and irrelevant in my writing but this helps me see how God uses it all. I'm so excited that you're starting a men's group. I can see you doing an amazing job. I think the fact that you recognize that none of us are in the position to be in our positions is key. When we admit we don't know it all and have it all together it is so freeing for everyone involved. You will do amazing things!! Nothing but love for you!