Divided We Fall

In marriage counseling I find myself talking a lot about choosing to intentionally turn into or away from your mate.  Our actions are either or.  There isn't a neutral position in relationships.  Same is true with God; we are either for God or for Satan.  There isn't an in between like many try to act like there is.  However, that's the subject of a different post.

In our day-to-day lives we are constantly choosing if we will turn in towards one another or turn away.  There are many opportunities for being offended, hurt, annoyed, etc. if we chose to focus on the negative.  Likewise, there are plenty of opportunities to find connection, healing, love, etc.   I truly believe that God uses all of the bad and good situations to grow and heal us if we are standing close to him.  When we are standing close to him we are better equipped to follow his lead through the path and find the healing he wants.  However, many times our own hurt leads us away from him and away from that path prematurely.  If we chose to not avoid the pain and instead turn towards him in the times that others hurt us, he can offer us strength, peace, direction and wisdom.  He can heal our wounds and we can all grow stronger through that.

The enemy is banking on us being offended, hurt, filled with anger and fear so that we turn on one another.     Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  As it's been so wonderfully illustrated to me---the lion looks for the weak animals that are on the outskirts, the ones that have wandered away from the pack.  We not only need to stay close to the shepherd, we need to keep our brothers and sisters close too.
