Don't Compromise

Without getting into the intricate details, I feel like God's been dealing with how I end up compromising my values/feelings/needs and let things slide out of a desire to not be rude, to be nice, to be accepted, and to not rock the boat.  At times it is good to be careful and thoughtful when dealing with difficult situations.  However, part of my scars carry the automatic response to compromise myself for the benefit of others and not wanting to upset them.  Not wanting to be the "bad guy".  AKA the problem child.  This might be a bit of a shocker because people around me might not think this is true.  I speak my mind pretty freely, set and assert boundaries and all of that.  It's not to a great extent by no means that this compromise is occurring. But, it's still there none the less. 

I can't speak too much about men, but I can speak about women.  I believe all too many of us compromise regularly.  We deal with the sexual jokes in stride to not look like an overly"sensitive" woman.  We deal with the sexist remarks from a boss so we don't lose our job.  We deal with catcalling because we end up in a bad mood if we verbally retaliate each time we are treated like an object.  

I can honestly say that I don't regret much in life but I do regret all the times I've compromised myself.  Granted, I can't always confront and deal with each and every situation but I can hold my space and have expectations of those who are regularly around me.  .

I've heard a lot of preaching on living in the pause.  After someone says or does something, pause and look to God for direction.  Be reminded we aren't called to compromise our values/morals/self.

