Day 38 of Beauty

These past few weeks have been filled with so many emotions.  At times, the bad over shadowed the good but as our time came to an end in Hampton, Virginia the goodness of God shone brighter than ever for me to see.

When I moved to Hampton I was a very new believer and luke warm would have been an understatement.  I was divinely saved by the grace of God from self inflicted death and transformed from an atheist to a Christian.  However, beyond that I didn't have a relationship with God or pursue learning more or growing in my faith.  I was still in a bad place of hurt.  No matter the origins or the reasons, I had huge deficits in my life when it came to maternal love and support.  I didn't like females and typically didn't have long lived female friendships.  I also still REALLY didn't like myself at all and still fought suicial ideation.

However, as soon as I started my journey with Christianity, people would be present to lift me up.  People were feeding me whether I was looking for it or not.  I have been so abundantly blessed by so many people in Virginia.  At first,.. okay honestly I had a difficult time seeing how blessed I was for the first 7 years or more.  Now after being in Virginia for 11 years I can reflect and appreciate how many different ways, with many different people, God blessed and poured love on me.  So many giving, beautiful, thoughtful, funny, creative and loving people placed so abundantly on my path.  Healing so many past wounds and strengthening me for what God has for me.

I am quite sad to leave so many wonderful friends and mentors behind but filled with joy and thanksgiving that I have had all those precious moments with each and every one of them.
