Guest post: Penny Jordan

As Mother's Day approaches this weekend I am reminded of the beauty in a mother's touch. The Angels ushered my mother to her heavenly home almost two years ago but I can still feel the beauty of her touch. Her touch was always one of love, comfort and reassurance. I remember always looking at her hands. They were soft yet strong. As she grew older, they trembled but were still strong. We always held hands to pray and I could tell that my touch to her had become one of love, comfort and reassurance. God still reminds me of her touch when a gentle breeze touches my face, when the hand of a child touches mine, and when my grown son indulges me while I touch his face all over when I see him just because he understands how much love there is in my touch. There is nothing more beautiful than a mother's touch!

-Penny Jordan


walkingitout said…
This woman right here is such a huge blessing to everyone she comes in contact with. She is so uplifting and kind. What a great word for so many:)
Bryanna said…
Amen, Hillary! She is. Penny, you personify gentleness and grace.. "Let your gentleness be evident to all." (Phil 4:5 NIV) It is!!! And its beautiful to behold.