Fresh Daily


More and more I'm understanding our need for fresh encounters daily with the Lord. I see it so clearly in my life and over the years I notice that when I fall off track from this revelation, I am able to recognize it and jump back on the road faster and faster. 

When pondering this notion of needing fresh encounters with God daily I started thinking about the wilderness. I love wilderness shows; the adventure, the risk, the grit, the beauty, and the struggles that strengthen us. But no matter what setting; whether it is in the forest, sea, desert, etc., it is so easy to stray from the course and get into trouble fast. Many things get us off the course: adverse weather, animals, other people, maybe even injuries or just plain old distractions. We have to remain intentional to stay on course so we do not get lost. 

During my quiet time with the Lord this morning I was in Luke 9 when Peter, John and James went up a mountain with Jesus to pray. They were filled with terror when a dark cloud appeared over them. Yes, I do feel they felt the fear of the Lord and his incredible presence but also in nature when you're exposed and far out from shelter a storm can be very dangerous and make you feel quite vulnerable. Not to mention if you happen to be out there alone while a bad storm is brewing...whew that could be life altering. 

All of this to say, when we are consistently gaining new perspective, encounters and truth from the Lord it helps strengthens us, prepares us, encourages us, inspires us, heals us and guides our course. Our Bible, His holy word, His written prophetic proclamation to us is our best and most powerful compass to stay the course through all the storms, attacks, distractions and ailments life throws at us.

Come on somebody--God is so good!

Proverbs 8:17

“I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.

Jeremiah 29:13

You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
