Day 12 of Beauty

Beauty of being an encourager.

Want to know a really cool thing about God? When you go to him and ask to help you work out an issue you are having he will guide you toward healing if you let him.  It's not easy to admit but I've struggled with being critical.  Most around me wouldn't say it's an obvious issue but for me being critical at all or having negative things coming out of my mouth really affect my spirit and I wanted to do something about it.

Boy did God respond.  I've been walking in that lesson for about 8-9 months now.  He brought it all full circle these past few days when he started putting it on heart how beautiful we are when we are lifting each other up.  More specifically, when us women are lifting up other women.

1 Thes 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

We have all been subjected to, and perhaps may have been one, mean girls.  There's gossip, there's jealously, there's tearing down, and there's hurt.  There is no beauty in that.  However, our God is a redeeming God.  He has been highlighting all of the wonderful encouragement and support women can have too.  In hindsight I can think of so many women who have poured into me and how out of control beautiful they truly are.

For these past few weeks God has been nudging me more and more to express my thoughts and feelings towards other women, which translates into encouragement.  And BAM, it hit me.  He just taught me how to stop speaking negativity or critically---continually speak life!

Challenge: Consciously choose to speak encouragement to all those you encounter.  You never know what that will mean to that person.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you so much for placing so many people in my life that have poured into me. Show me all the ways I can pour into the people in my life that need it. Help me continually speak life and lift up all those who come in contact with me.
