Guest Post: Kim VanDyke Hoyt


When I think of the word, beauty, so many things come to mind. I'm going to narrow it down to two things God has revealed to me recently. #1-Being who I am on the outside. #2-Loving myself because of who I am in Him!

Let me explain.  I have always been a "girlie girl" to say the least. I love to do my makeup, dress in clothes I feel good in, and change my hair often. Side note: I am a hair stylist and my love for these things played a huge role in my desire to pick this career.

There have been many times over the years when I have heard women make comments like,  “When I was in my 20's and 30's I was vain, but I out grew it.” or  “Why does that girl need all that makeup?” Another comment often made is “She is all decked out because she wants attention!"

Hearing these comments had me thinking, "I didn't want people to think that about me!" I thought to myself, “Am I vain? Am I doing this for attention?” Praying and listening to God I came to the realization that I wasn’t!  I was just being myself and doing things I simply enjoyed that God placed in me that are unique to me! For some ladies these things are chores more than who they are.  However for me it is fun and enjoyable.

Our outward beauty isn't based on what we look like or how much makeup you wear just to be clear.  It's about being who your were created to be!  Recently there was a question that I heard asked that rocked me!  The question was, "Who were you before the world told you who you should be?"

WOW, right?!

For me I was a little girl loving all the things I still love now but I allowed the opinions of others to form my perspective!  Let me ask you a question.  Where have you allowed the world to change the real you?

In thinking about this question you must also think of who you are in Christ. It says in Song of Solomon 4:7 "You are altogether beautiful my darling, there is no flaw in you." (NIV)

This is a letter from a groom to his bride, but it is also an analogy of Christ, our bride groom, telling us, His bride, that we are beautiful and not flawed!

So ladies understand in Christ we are complete and beautiful. Our beauty will shine bright as we understand who we are in Him. In understanding who we are in Him we will love ourselves for who we are. You are uniquely created! Don't allow the world or other people's opinions put you in a box.

Take Aways:
#1-Whether you wear makeup or not doesn't determine your beauty.
#2-Whether you are a "T-shirt and jeans" gal or a "maxi dress and heels" gal, style doesn't determine your beauty.
#3-Your beauty is within and shines out.
#4-Love yourself so you can love others well! Galatians 5:14 (NIV) -For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself."
#5-Be yourself so you can encourage others to be themselves. This is a picture of beauty!

-Kim VanDyke Hoyt


walkingitout said…
Although I haven't known Kim long, God has put her on my heart and now I can understand why. I can really see that she will heal so many hearts with her Godly wisdom and anointed words. :)
Unknown said…
When are you going to write a have a story to tell
Unknown said…
That was beautiful! Thank you for sharing!!
Liani Lyttle said…
Girl I needed this! Thank you!