Guest Post: Emerald Payne


I am an irreplaceable treasure
The only one of my kind
No matter the number of emeralds in existence
You always find me
You see me
You know my spirit
You know my insides out
I am not mass-produced
I am couture
An original artwork
A unique heart
An unheard song
You study my every color
You see my truth
No lie could replace the eternal internal
I could never be lost
You would scour the earth to uncover
and recover a love most true
You honor my existence with your fight
You never give up
You never let go
You value the rarity of my comet
Never missing a showing
I am not my body
It fades
It expires
You are never jaded by the external,
knowing my worth is incomparable.
We are interconnected
You would know me anywhere
You carry me as yourself
We are one
‘Til the day I die
You are my mirror
Shining the reflection of my light
I am a spectrum of possibilities’
Expansive as the universe
I am extraordinary!
I am limitless
I am treasured
And this, you know.

Emerald Payne


walkingitout said…
This woman right here has such much talent. I would say it's raw talent but it's not, it's more like naturally refined. Her ability to display her heart in all that she does is her most beautiful feature :)
Unknown said…
That was a beautiful comment from a beautiful lady! Thanks again for letting me be a part of what you are doing. :)