Day 7 of Beauty

As I lay in my bed this morning reflecting on the incredible class I get to be a part of on Wednesday nights, I realize it too is a thing of beauty.  It is such a beautiful thing when you find a church that is so filled with love and seems like home. But I'm not even talking about that.  What I'm talking about is even better and more sweet than I could imagine. The class I have been taking had it's final meeting last night and was purposeful in being a time of uplifting and just remaining in the presence of the Holy Spirit. True, pure beauty was ever so present in an hour and a half of everyone just purposefully listening to the Holy Spirit and encouraging, loving and lifting up each other. Some of the messages were focused on physical appearance but it all went back to the heart.

When we allow ourselves to become vulnerable and come into relationship with other believers, that union is so strong God is able to heal places in our hearts that are difficult for us to let go of. However, when these relationships are built the strongholds start falling away as we learn to trust again. Many hurt Christians turn away from church and claim to not need it but we do. We need that unity. I understand the hurt that can come out of unhealthy church environments but God wants to encourage you to keep seeking him and his people.

Challenge: Are you being open and vulnerable enough to trust and create meaningful relationships with other believers? Dig in and invest in those relationships and watch God work on your heart.

Prayer:  Lord help me not become discouraged or bitter when I am hurt by others. Give me peace and love and understanding for those who are offending me. Let me be a good receiver of your goodness shared by others for my benefit so I can in turn be a good giver of that same spirit.
