Birthday Wish

This is the second assignment that was due for the free writing class I'm taking through coursera. Keep in mind that I have a short attention span and I refuse to reread my work and edit ;) I know, I'm a bit of a brat!

Birthday Wish

He drew a big breath and exhaled with as much force as he could muster. Blowing out all ten of the candles his mother placed carefully around the edge of the homemade oreo cheesecake she made. As he looked around the room he was feeling happy and sad at the same time. Moving across the country just a few months before his tenth birthday wasn’t what he wanted. He missed his friends but was fortunate to have such a loving family, even if they do live in the desert.

Suddenly the room started to shake and the lights started to flicker. TJ and his family quickly ran outside to look around for what was causing all of the commotion.

As they looked to the north they could see blue and green lights coming from behind the mountain range. TJ, his mom, dad, and sister all gasped at the sight. They could hear the neighbors all coming out of their houses and expressing their confusion as well.

TJ decided to run back inside the house to grab his laptop to see if there were any news reports about the mysterious series of events. As he opened his laptop the screen started flashing blue and green just like the lights behind Gass Peak, the tallest mountain behind their house.

“MOM, DAD, you HAVE to see this!”, TJ exclaimed.

Just as he started to run down the stairs to show his parents another loud crash shook the house with enough impact to throw TJ to the floor. When he stood he saw the blue and green lights coming from the kitchen. As he approached his heart raced and his mouth grew dry.

“TJ, you home?”, a faintly familiar voice called.

“Umm yeah...who’s in there?”, TJ asked.

“Jayden! Man, you won’t believe what just happened to me!”, his friend from Virginia replied.

Jayden went on to tell TJ about how he was laying in bed and then instantly he was in a mini spaceship. While onboard he overheard the captain say that they needed to grant a birthday wish to help fulfill a prophecy.

“Next thing I knew, the ship crash landed into a mountain. Then a few mins later they released the small pod and told me I was to go in your house”, Jayden retold.

Neither of the boys fully understood what happened but they both agreed it was time to start investigating.
