
September 11th is a day for reflection here in the United States.  We all come together to remember the events that unfolded on this day in 2001.  We all have our unique stories of where we were, what we were doing, how we responded, and how it impacted us.  

As I sip my coffee and scroll through my newsfeed I'm seeing a theme this year.  Many of my friends are remarking on how we all stood together hand in hand, regardless of our race, social class, and  religion (well, that day anyways).  Individuals are noting that in the midst of tragedy we banded together as a nation in a way that made us proud to be American.

These remarks and memories touch a deeply embedded soft place in my heart.  We have watched violence, division and racial heat all increase at an alarming rate this year.  There are many directions to place blame, but where will that get us?  Where will this nation continue to head if we continue on this destructive path of division?

I have been learning so much, on such a deeper level about the importance and strength of unity these past few months.  Personally I have been learning more and more about the strength and impact on everyones lives in a family when a husband and wife are of one accord.  Yes, this isn't new information but head knowledge doesn't impact us our our lives until it becomes heart knowledge.  When a husband or wife makes an active decision to put the other before them, meaning letting go of pride, being offended, greed, and fear they both begin to grow.  Their children begin to grow.  Other people around them, watching them begin to grow.  It can create so much movement in the world.  Think about the people that have impacted you and inspired you in life.  I would be willing to bet they were in unity with someone.

I take this lesson and I think about our country.  Not to belittle any side of this issue at all.  Instead if we put our minds set to getting along, unity, peace, empathy, and compassion how can we go wrong? Or instead are the main characters in this home turf war filled with fear?  Nothing good ever comes out of letting ourselves operate out of fear.  Personally and globally.

We need to learn to stand on God's truths and put our faith in him.  He will direct us.  His will is not for division, racism, violence and fear.  His will is love and if we slow down and let God lead opposed to the devil he will bring us all there.  But we have free will, he won't force us there like the devil will. <3
